Each biometric mode has their strengths and weaknesses. For example, facial recognition can be confused by identical twins, fingerprints can be hard to capture for those with congenital or occupational dermal problems, irises may be occluded by glare from eyewear. Multiple biometrics allow identity to be established via alternate means, and improves the confidence of the match/non-match results. SSS relies on 3 industry-accepted modes: face, iris and fingerprints. New modes may be adopted as they mature and gain acceptance and we seek continuous improvement. Our matching algorithms can be based on individual modes, or cascaded through successive modes, or fused to deliver a single match/non-match result.



Efficiency and manpower right-sizing are the catch-words for our society. SSS delivers identity assurance and access clearance solutions for premises protection from office lobbies to critical infrastructure and protected facilities. Our solutions help facilitate high traffic flow without sacrificing security. Our strong background in mechantronics, automation and integration with various sensor suites provides safe, secure and reliable access clearance systems. Our customers range from factories to education centers, from military bases to industrial complexes, including border control and immigration checkpoints.



To adopt Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), one of the factors can be ‘what you own’. Usually this is a trusted token such as a smartcard, identity card, passport, RFID tag, or another such physical tokens personalized and issued via a secured process. With our strong roots in security document printing, personalization, issuance and token lifecycle management, SSS continues to offer our valuable experience and expertise in this area to the market. Keeping up with the rise of e/identity, e/government and e/transacting, SSS provides trusted digital identity platforms that reside in mobile platforms such as smartphones and lifestyle devices. Our digital identity solutions empower and drive e/government and e/commerce eco-systems.
